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Red Meat Raises Dementia Risk, but Nuts and Beans May Have a Protective Effect

A new study has found a link between processed red meat and dementia risk. However, nuts and legumes appeared to protect against dementia. The saturated fat...

‘A home should be a living composition, like a garden or painting’: an artist’s home in Antwerp

For Belgian painter Nils Verkaeren, a home of his own wasn’t strictly necessary. He could just as easily live as a nomad. “In 2002,...

Turning point: the England throw-in that encapsulated 58 years of hurt

Bukayo Saka turns towards the crowd and pumps his arms like an orchestra conductor, demands more noise, and the noise explodes like thunder, lifting...

5 Things You Should Do Right After an Auto Accident

According to the Bureau of Transportation Statistics, there are around 6.75 million US car accidents per year. That means over 18,000 crashes every single day With these statistics, odds are good that if you\'ve never been involved in an auto accident, you will someday. Because of this, it\'s important...

APAP vs. CPAP: What’s the Best Machine for Sleep Apnea?

If you ask about people\'s favourite CPAP machine, you can find those who love an APAP instead. They will tell you that it will change your life. They will tell you that they couldn\'t tolerate traditional CPAP. They may even claim that an APAP device eliminates the need to see...

The Complete Guide to Choosing a Dental Spa: Everything to Know

A good rule of thumb is to visit your dentist every six months. This rule is ideal for someone who has great oral hygiene with no issues and schedules regular dental visits. However, everyone has their own unique dental hygiene needs. Some people might need to visit their dentist more...

All You Need to Know About Insomnia

Meta Description: Insomnia is a common sleep disorder that can cause a variety of problems. If you want to learn more about Insomnia, keep on reading. Sleep is vital for our physical and mental health, yet according to the American SleepAssociation, 50-70 million US adults have a sleep disorder. Of...

What You Should Know About Non-Surgical Nose Jobs

After staring at their image in a mirror, many people may desire their nose to look different, potentially through a nose job. People go in for a non-surgical nose job for various reasons, and the common one is fear of going under the knife. \"It is not unusual to come...

5 Jobs Best Suited for Someone With Back Pain

Chronic back pain or injury can make finding fulfilling employment challenging, especially if your previous career involved heavy physical labour.  You may have already attempted to find work in several industries but felt limited and frustrated by your ongoing back pain. This can be made worse by heavy lifting, standing...

How Long Drugs Stay in Saliva: Drug Detection Times

Saliva drug testing is a quick and easy way to test for the presence of drugs in a person\'s system. Unlike blood or urine tests, which can only detect drugs that have been used in the past few hours or days, saliva drug tests can detect drugs that have...

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